Get Involved with the Next Generation of Business

How Can We Help?

Whether you want to join the planning team, sponsor an event or the week, attend one of our events, or have another question, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Sponsor YPW

Young Professionals week is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors. Our wishlist plans include: childcare grants to broaden the range of young workers able to attend; awards for impressive young business owners; increased programming and outreach.

Sponsors have access to marketing and engagement opportunities to a wide variety of local businesses and workers. For more information, contact Sami at

Join the Team

Our planning committee helps shape the future of Young Professionals Week. If you’re interested in helping us organize future YPW events, meet other young professionals, and give back to your community, consider joining our volunteer team!

Want to get involved but don’t have time for the commitment of the planning committee? There are plenty of opportunities to be in charge of or help out at individual events. Contact us today and we’ll help you find your perfect fit.